I would immediately return the 42 tooth sprocket and get something bigger. I love my 48.
Of course then you'd probably want/need a speedo correction device.
Would definitely need a longer chain too.
Why not look into a PCV?
You can do the AIS and Flapper mod, and airbox mod, but if you want best performance that's super easy to do and easy to undo, just remove the airbox door.
Most Yosh exhausts are LOUD.
There's little info on this forum regarding the PIM2 doohickies.
FmF type programmers are fine, but limiting as to how much you can do with them.
In the end, what you're asking is kinda like what's the best beer. You'll get different answers from different people.
I absolutely hated the stock gearing.
2008 WR250X
Gearing: 13t - 48t
Power Commander 5 / PC-V
Airbox Door Removed - Flapper glued - AIS removed
FmF Q4
Bridgestone Battlax BT-003rs