Oh no, the design is all self made.
When I bought the bike this year, it was all white. The original owner had removed all stickers (just not the annoying "Warning" ones). The first thing
I did was to remove
them Anyway, the bike looked like a snow flake and I didn't like that at all. So I thought about how I would design such a bike and started work.
I'm quite happy with the result and also got some positive feedback from other riders. When I had the stator (that Yamaha recall thing) replaced they asked where I've ordered that sticker set, they wanted to offer it to their customers
I'm still changing things, added some blue engine parts and Zeta handguards. The stickers won't change much, but I'll certainly redo the side panels. The Yamaha logo is not upright and stuff like that. I also think about making the "R" on the side panel red instead of blue, like it is on the rear panel.