Duh - I left the key in the ignition, and ON so naturally the battery drained. Not big surprise. What happened next is a total mystery. I assumed that I could just put the bike in gear, and pop start it. However, when I put the bike into first (or any other gear) the gears did not "engage". In other words, in first gear, with clutch OUT (not engaged) I was able to push the bike as if it were in neutral. I have never seen this happen. Since it was not engaged, I could not push start it.
I connected my XP1 charger today and the bike started right up. The first time I put it into first, the same thing happened - the gear did not engage. I tried second, that worked. I rode around for a few minutes and then everything worked fine. Rode for a while, battery charged, life is good. But I am still very confused about when happened.
Any helpful comments would be appreciated.