These bags were used on a DR350, so have not used them as yet on the WRR. The fit across the seat on the WRR seems just right, to much width and they would be loose. I have left on the passenger pegs as they seemed to add some crash protection, and make for some support for the bags, and an attachment point. I also move the bags as far forward as I can get them, so they just about touch my legs. One reason these work for me is that I don't pack cooking gear and heavy items, so the bags are packed with lighter items. They never gave me any problems on week long trips, on forest service and gravel roads, doing 150 to 200 mile days, on the Suzuki and I did not have a frame made for it. A simple frame would allow the bags to be attached more to the rear without fear of them getting into the wheel. If you plan on carrying lots of gear and weight I would look for a more rigid bag and sturdy mounts. But hey, we are talking about a 250, and keeping things light so the riding is fun. Have to admit I miss the hot coffee when I first wake up.