- X-Racer wrote:
A Google Earth link, or Lat/Long would be helpful.
For all we know we may be there ( or close).
P.S. I would venture that Dan's venture is leaving from "Home" ( another undisclosed location).
It's part of the Hudson's bay northwest of Quebec.
Here is a google maps link to Radisson
Jame's Bay is the area where most of Quebec's hydro electricity is generated. Radisson is where the workers community lives. It's close to Chissassibi a Cree village that is the principal agglomeration of this area.
It's a place mostly visited for fishing and hunting. The main north-south road is the Jame's Bay road and the east-west is the Trans-Taïga. We take a gravel road that starts around Chibougamau and ends on the Jame's Bay road 400km later (la route du nord). The Trans-Taïga is a 600 km gravel road that's along the La grande baleine river. On this river there are 4 dams called LG1 to LG4.
We use to say that all we see over there is black spruce, water and rocks and that for hundreds of kilometers. The temperature can reach 29C during the day et and below the freezing point at night. I must say that at the end of june the nights are short over there. If you're afraid of moskitoes, black flies and the like, don't go in this area.javascript:emoticonp('