I've changed more bicycle tires than I care to admit. The additional step for motorcycle tires is breaking the bead. There are some very nice and expensive machines that will do this cleanly, but with some care, you can lay a short 2x4 across the tire and use a second 2x4 anchored with something heavy to push down on the first. A 2nd person helping you would be welcome.
You should balance the wheels.
After that, some decent tire levers and rim protectors and lots and lots of dish soap and you're all set!
There are probably some decent videos on YouTube and you can search Webbikeworld for more info.
(DISCLAIMER: change tires at your own risk. advice above should not be construed as professional. you can cratch/nick/dent wheels and probably even figure out a way to kill yourself doing this. motorcycles are dangerous and so is their maintenance. it's not my fault if the incredibly brief description above causes you pain, suffering, embarrassment or some combination of all 3