First off, not sure how this bike slipped under my radar for so long. My DR650 started running bad early this year and I started my campaign to rid myself of carbs. And by that I mean I half heartedly started looking for a suitable injected replacement, looking at Huskys, BMW's, etc. but never finding this little gem. Didn't come across much (wasn't looking too hard) in my price range and had a lot on my plate with an upcoming move so I tabled it.
Fast forward to this month, we're settled in Meridian, ID and I still couldn't get the damn DR running right. I also had a Ural that was being sorely under-ridden (we have a 2 year old and a 2 month old so my wife never rides with me anymore) and, after stumbling on the WRR/X on a few ride reports, I decided it was time to part ways with the hack and pick up my first Yammy.
The Ural sale went pretty smooth, it got a clean bill of health from the local dealer and I got it running nice and smooth. A guy up in Seattle wanted it and we came to an agreement on price, so I dropped it off about two weeks ago. Last pic I have of it:
I had already been talking with a few WRR/X sellers and found one that was willing to bring his to town for gas money. It was an 08 WRR that had recent maintenance, bone stock with low miles, so I bought it. Already ordered up a skid plate, radiator guard, and a Giant Loop for it. Pic of the current stable:
WRR in the back in front of my 05 VStrom, 99 DR650 in the front and my motohauler E250 in the way back. The V Strom has boat loads of farkles, not much on there that hasn't been touched, luckily all done by the PO so I didn't have to pay for them. He was almost the exact same size as me too so it fits me like a glove. Got that bike for a bloody steal.
After the first 5 miles on the Yamaha I decided to sell the DR. Of course, shortly after that I was able to get it running great again so I'm not sure if I want to sell it or not. I'm pretty happy with the displacement gap I've got but I don't know if the DR will get ridden much anymore.
I'll probably leave the WRR mostly stock and just ride, already planning on some local trails after work with nearby riders next week, should be a good intro to the area. Stoked on this little bike and the places it'll take me. Cheers.