Every motorcycle I'd owned up to the wr had a rpm gage. For twenty years I had that dial to look at.
Then I got the wr250x and almost felt lost. Something was wrong. Everything felt weird.
What rpm was my bike turning?
How would I know when to shift?
What The F_____????
Then a funny thing happened.
As I continued to ride, I grew to just FEEL and HEAR where and and when to shift.
Now, I understand why there's absolutely no NEED for a tachometer.
If you want one you can get one, but I'd bet if you give it some time, you'll understand what I'm talking about.
When I consider a tachometer now, I view it as something that would be a distraction. Something that would cause me to avert my eyes away from the road in front of me.
Just my opinion. Something to think about.
If you get one, please post a picture and a complete review of it.
2008 WR250X
Gearing: 13t - 48t
Power Commander 5 / PC-V
Airbox Door Removed - Flapper glued - AIS removed
FmF Q4
Bridgestone Battlax BT-003rs