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 Lowered seat height

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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 11:09 am

Can anyone provide me with the static seat height of a wr250x that has the lowering link, lower seat and the rear shock collar at it's lowest setting?
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 7:09 pm

Wow, that's low,low,low. Sorry I'm nosey but just curios. Are you vertically challenged? Maybe new to the bike? You can also raise the forks up into the triple tree almost an inch. Just another idea for you and its free. Very happy
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 9:09 pm

Ran my shock nut all the way up and softened my suspension a bit. also run my forks up about an inch. This will get you quiet a bit for free to start.
Lowered seat height Fork10
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 10:39 pm

Yes I'm vertically challenged and I'm pissed off that bike manufacturers wont make something that fits me Very happy

I will be trying all the free lowering steps this week. I just didn't want to buy a lower seat and a new linkage if it still wouldn't make the bike ride-able for me.
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyTue Jan 26, 2016 5:38 pm

Go for it! Lowering rear shock, spiral step seat and Yamalink will get you about 3 inches lower (claimed). Plus fork + soften suspension abit more. Im doing the same setup on an R for the lady. Tyre model also has impact on height, especially knobbies.
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyTue Jan 26, 2016 9:35 pm

The Honda 230L or the Yamaha TTr 250 would have fit you perfect but they are half the bike you got. thumb
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyWed Jan 27, 2016 9:42 pm

If you've lowered the rear by any method I think it will pay to be very watchful for excessive wear on the front lower chain slipper.
I got 15k out of my original one, lowered it and reduced its life to 5k. All offroad, though.
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyWed Jan 27, 2016 10:16 pm

k1322 wrote:
Go for it! Lowering rear shock, spiral step seat and Yamalink will get you about 3 inches lower (claimed). Plus fork + soften suspension abit more. Im doing the same setup on an R for the lady. Tyre model also has impact on height, especially knobbies.

I have a 30 inch inseam and with all suggestions above, I am able to plant my foot both sides flat.  This is with X wheels.  

I weigh 150 lbs and I did not soften the suspension.  

When I put my R wheels, It is the same height as an X with only lower rear shock and spiral seat. NOT with yamalink.
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Lowered seat height Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height EmptyThu Jan 28, 2016 10:14 am

Thanks for the info guys!
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PostSubject: Re: Lowered seat height   Lowered seat height Empty

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