The backlight on my instrument cluster is not working... Traced it to the cluster itself rather than any wiring.
Long story short, I dremeled the dash open. An electronics repairman noticed that a transformer which is used to increase voltage on the backlight (to make it brighter, you see) has come loose and broke apart. Probably because of all the times this bike hit various obstacles head on. Because of how tiny the wiring on the transformer is, its deemed beyond repair. My options apparently are:
- Buy a complete new instrument cluster ($$$$)
- Buy a complete used instrument cluster (I have yet to find one for sale)
- Just not have a backlight anymore ( )
- Find that transformer is good condition - attaching it would be not a problem as long as it's not busted like mine.
- Attach some sort of external light (which is a very ugly solution)
So with all that in mind,
does anyone want to upgrade to Trail Tech dashboard and give the old stock one to me? ;)
Does anyone know where I can find a tiny 12 V to 48 V transformer? It's gotta be a tiny one, a cube about 12 mm long on each side (1/2").