I'll try to sum up the things the bike has gone through since I bought it last summer.
I got it for a pretty good price but without any original parts (it's a long story), but the bike came with a
full FMF System and programmer, GYTR rear sprocket and chain (don't like the blue), fatbar and so on.
Bought the bike in July and it looked like this when I picked it up:
Started out by removing the slim blue rim stripes and added Yamaha stickers:
Installed a TTO RPM and Hour meter (mostly for fun):
Ordered fat white rim stripes from Ebay:
Flashers had to go! Installed LED and a new relay:
Front ready!
Flash test
Rear flashers in place
Quite a big difference
Had to take it out for a trackday
First thought was that I need to modify the rear suspension. It's too soft and start to kind of wobble when you push the bike. (put on to-do-list)
Latest thing was to install some red anodized details and handguards from Zeta.
Handguards and rear brake reservoir cap. (Only 3 weeks ago, still snow)
That's it for now!
More to come...