Been lurking on the forum for awhile and after my ride last night I figured it was time for a post.
I have had my 2008 wr250r (currentlyconverted to X trim) since the beginning of April. Bought the bike with just under 3000 miles (~5500 now)and have been modding it since.
Last night sitting at a stop light I noticed a metallic "tink" which sounded like it was coming from the right side of the engine. It sounds almost like the exhaust "ticking cool" after a ride but it seems to mimic engine revs. I know that the single can be a noisy engine in general but was wondering if any others have come across a noise like this or if anyone might now what it could be.
Just for reference, the bike has FMF megabomb + Q4, FMF programmer, AIS block - off and the flapper mod.