Hey all, so something finally went wrong with my little baby
Chain snapped at the lights and wedged itself between the front sprocket and swingarm. Sandman casesaver did its job however she didn't escape harm free. Took me a while to get the chain off, fairly deeply gouges on swingarm and the little protuding lower chain cover bolt hole on the crankcase cover snapped off by chain (just above where gear shifter).
Chain has been binned, am able to put the bike in gear and put her back into neutral, but I don't know if anything 'internal' has been damaged when the chain got wedged while in gear. Aside from the broken sprocket cover bolt holder snapping off I'm hoping I've been lucky, any thoughts?
Would I be ok with two bolts holding the cover or should I try finding someone that can weld a new one on...or just buy a new cover ($85)? Same goes for swingarm, ok as is or new one needed?
edit...not sure why but the first pic is sideways and the other one is upside down...