I bought this bike back in June 2012, and it has been a blast. It's taken a few crashes offroad, and one slide on the road. And it still looks and runs great!
It currently has a Flatland Radiator Guard/Skid Plate , Edge Tailight, Seal Savers, Cycra Probends, currently a cheap stock size Fly Blue handlebars, and Avon Distanzia tires. (Also ordered a Graves Hi-Flo exhaust insert off of Ebay (wouldn't have bought it for full retail!) that should be here tomorrow. I'll post a video with sound and post here about what I notice!
I've ridden out to the coast (Live near Seattle, WA...About 100 miles each way) , rode it on local trails, use it as my daily driver and on the highway. ride it whether it be rain or shine, and this bike takes it all in stride. (Some of the photos were taken before certain mods
Have to stop myself before I spend all night posting pictures haha
I also video some of the shorter rides and post them on vimeo, although my computer is slow which causes the editing to result in some timing being off.
www.vimeo.com/yamabluerider <---CLICK (In almost every video I take the bike on a highway at some point. It will cruise at 60-70MPH comfortably for me! And my engine/exhaust/sprocket is all stock.)
Long story short, I Love this bike.