Not my place to tell you how to ride it, I just saw the word "absolutely" and thought you meant really, really hard for hours.
But I will concur with everyone else here who says
1. Your service guy is an idiot. The only way the temp light should be coming on is if you're riding in knee high mud on 100 degree day at 1mph. Mine has NEVER come on in the three years I've had it, not going fast, not going slow, never. Neither has another owner I've met out on the trail, and he rode a lot more aggressively than I do, and just got back from some trip to Canada.
2. If this issue came up after the crash, you should replace the radiator, cap, fan, and anything else that might have been damaged and call it a lesson. That way you can be assured of not having a boilover in the middle of nowhere, which will cause you to boilover.